Hi, I'm Ayeola Taiwo... A Web Developer And Technical Writer.

I'm a Backend Node.js developer, technical writer and freelancer from Lagos, Nigeria. I aspire to create scalable backend services with good architecture and infrastructure, and a career that will make me chanel my creativity and give back to the community.

About memystats

Information about me

I'm passionate about the server side of apps and creating scalable apps using differnt technologies in acheiving my goal, and also giving back to the community through mentorship and technical writing.

Some technologies i've worked with










Professional Exprerience

Backend developer at Storipod

Backend developer at 525Systems

Backend developer at Habeep

Creating scalable backend services for clients

Technical Writer - Hashnode

Wrote a few articles on hashnode. My latest article was on heroku deployment workflow and how you set basic configurations to get your website running with continious integration.

My PortfolioMy Work

Here are some of my project(s)

An app that bridges patients fragmented records

Storipod, An app for publishing stories and earning like an influencer

Habeep, This is a Real Estate Platform that allows users create listings and manage tenants payments.

A demo chat-app

Task manager api with full auth, image upload and well documented api endpoints

My BlogsMy Blogs

Setting Up MongoDB For Production

Getting a mongoDB production database up and running simplified step by step.

Heroku is a cloud platform as a service that makes hosting of servers easy and beginner friendly, supporting several programming languages like Ruby, Java, Node.js, Scala, Clojure, Python, PHP, and Go. It works well with a Mongoose ODM to perform simple and complex queries...

Read full article here

Heroku Deployment

Step By Step Deployment To Heroku.

MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas. And however it is a very easy and you'll be learning to host on heroku step by step in this guide....

Read full article here

Contact MeMy contacts

Contact me here

Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun State
English, Yoruba